Renovation downlights
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Download (DE)The flexible VARDAflex OSMIUM LED strips, sealed in UV and salt water resistant special silicone, are the ideal solution for individual lighting projects for indoor and outdoor use.
Download (DE)In SPA and wellness areas,modern lighting concepts are becoming more and more important. With the flexible LED strip VARDAflex Sauna, rutec sets new and special accents.
Download (DE)Special atmosphere near the sea needs special and stylish lighting solutions. We are particularly well positioned for outdoor lighting applications and are constantly expanding our portfolio. Convince yourself!
Download (DE)This new plug-and-play edition with movable diecast aluminum recessed downlight with plastic reflector, protective screen and 300 mA converter is available as ON/OFF, dimmable and dim to warm version in white, black and silver.
Download (DE)No more searching and looking for the right LED strip and power supplies. We offer five standard VARDAflex LED sets for indoor and outdoor use. Find all information in our special flyer.
Download (DE)VARDAflex Plus DTW and Double DTW are perfect for a fantastic and warm atmospere. Light colours dimmable from 3300 to 1900 K
Download (DE)rutec LED power supplies 24 V DC - triac AC dimming, for indoor and outdoor use: 40 Watt (IP65), 75 Watt (IP67) und 120 Watt (IP67)
Download (DE)VARDAflex COB Plus is THE LED strip for homogeneous and continuous linear indoor lighting.
Download (DE)Simple and flexible plug-and-play system. Continuous LED lighting solution. Flexibly expendable.
Download (DE)Indirect lighting is the central design element when it comes to atmosphere and cosiness. Impact- and waterproof as well as cold-, heat- and UV-resistant.With matching rutec LED strips, the VOUTEN are the ideal basis for atmospheric indirect room lighting.
Download (DE)In one moment you read or eat at clear brightness – the next moment you dim the light to make it more cosy and to relax: this effect of a classic dimming situation is now also possible with our LED recessed downlights. „Dim To Warm“ (DTW) is the name of the technology, designed for special Modules and recessed downlights of our program, at which the COB-Chip will be “warmed” from 2.800 to 2.000 Kelvin at dimming process.
DownloadThe new 230V-recessed downlight SANYA AC for indoor use: a very reasonable recessed downlight, but with good quality aluminum housing. At the version with clear cover glass, the SMD-Chips of SANYA provide 500 Lumen light output at 5W power, with frosted glass it has 400 lumen. The round or square, tiltable downlight, for which you do not need a converter, is available in colours white and Iron brush.
DownloadApplication file to run KNX-Actuator 80110, 80120, 80100, 80140;
for 1-4 coloured LEDs. Suitable from ETS 3.0f or higher.
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Download (218.4 kB)You need a specific project planning? Please use the 'planning contract", note all important information and send it to us by mail.
Download (274.5 kB)The EU has implemented unified regulations to enhance the environmental compatibility of energy-consuming products. Starting from 2023, common lighting systems such as compact fluorescent, fluorescent, and halogen lamps will disappear. But don't worry – we have the perfect solution!
Our high-quality CYRA Eco Refit retrofit downlights are manufactured in Germany and offer the ideal alternative. With four different sizes, they fit into all standard ceiling cutouts and allow for a variability of up to 25 mm without masking rings. The conversion is quick and easy! What sets our downlights apart is their flexibility: each individual downlight covers multiple brightness and power levels! You can choose them according to your needs and even modify them afterwards. Get ready for the future of lighting! Replace your outdated lamps with our CYRA Eco Refit retrofit downlights and benefit from state-of-the-art technology and energy efficiency.
Visit for more information.
VideoFür alle, die es nicht nach Frankfurt zur light+building 2022 geschafft haben, führt Lukas in diesem Video über unseren Stand und zeigt die wichtigsten Neuheiten im Kurzdurchlauf!
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Die passende Lichtlösung in jeder Situation - rutec bietet hochwertige LED-Strips, Downlights, dekorative Leuchten und hochwertiges Zubehör für Ihr Projekt. Wir bieten Ihnen kreative und/oder lichtintensive Beleuchtungslösungen im Office, im Shop- oder Außenbereich, als kilometerlange Promenadenbeleuchtung oder als Hingucker in der Gastronomie an. Aber schauen Sie einfach selbst...
Downloadrutec steht für innovative LED-Beleuchtung. Sie planen und konzipieren - wir liefern die passende Lichtlösung dazu. Egal, ob individuell angefertigt oder als Auswahl unseres vielfältigen Produktportfolios - wir liefern schnell und zuverlässig und stehen bei der Umsetzung Ihres Projektes als kompetenter Partner mit Rat und Tat an Ihrer Seite.
DownloadSimple and flexible plug-and-play system. Connectors light up homogeneously - no light gap.
Tara extends to any size.